Thats right people, DOC is kicking ass in all sports, 5-2 in NBA, 1-0 in college hoops with an easy Winner in Cornell tonite and his big money hockey plays are 18-7, not bad. If you want DOC's plays just email my brother at and you'll be added to his list. He will be charging for hockey and college hoop plays as of December 1st but till then FREE except for Thanksgiving he has a package that Doc'S followers want to check out cause you'll be a winner no matter what that day. DOC'S plays can be found at posted by me , and my brother is telling me that there are posters posting DOC'S plays elsewhere and some are posting the opposite of DOC'S plays under his name. BUT ONLY ONES GIVEN BY MYSELF OR MY BROTHER ARE TO BE BELIEVED.NOBODY ELSE unless I have ROXY post them at . My brother is about to find out the names of these morons who are decieving people with DOC'S plays. Remember in college hoops and hockey DOC=:money: